Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Never a Dull Moment

We had another busy day in kindergarten!  We worked through centers as always.  This included some addition, writing about spring, and a listening center (Mice Make Trouble).  We were able to go to the library.  It may be a while before we go back because they will be doing state testing in the library after spring break.  

We tried to work in the computer lab on Lexia, but there were some problems with the internet so we did not spend as much time there as we would have liked. Right before going to art, we watched a Magic School Bus episode about weather.  After watching the video, we did a Circle Map that included everything we learned about weather.  We will talk more about weather after spring break.  

At the end of the time in art, we had a tornado drill.  It was just a drill, but a few of the kids were pretty worried that it was real.  They did a great job of sitting still and sitting quietly in our shelter location during the drill.

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